ADHD: Media Hype or Mental Health Reality?

ADHD: Media Hype or Mental Health Reality?

In the last decade, there has been increased awareness regarding ADHD, and it has helped so many people finally understand and accept themselves. That old image of the ADHD “hyperactive little boy” problem is rapidly fading, with that understanding...
You wouldn’t do that in public.

You wouldn’t do that in public.

Social Media and Mental Health Many of us were taught that the way we behave in public and the way we behave in private are very different ways of being. When out in public, you shouldn’t shout, use rude language, or be verbally aggressive towards others. You should...
X’inhi t-terapija?

X’inhi t-terapija?

Spiss naħsbu li t-terapija hija xi ħaġa fejn tmur titkellem jew tiftaħ qalbek ma’ professjonist. Madanakollu, it-terapija taf toffri ħafna iktar minn hekk. Tista’ tkun spazju sigur fejn tagħraf diffikultajiet u l-impatt li qed ikollhom fuq ħajtek, u ssib mezzi ta’ kif...